(Budget-Friendly) DIY No-Slip Hangers! ~ Diane's Vintage Zest!

(Budget-Friendly) DIY No-Slip Hangers!

For the past few Fridays, I have been sharing some pretty awesome crafty DIYs (if I don't say so myself), but this week is a combination organizational tip with a DIY solution.  Yay!

Well, you know how much I like to keep my closet tidybelts organized, and jewelry nice and orderly.  One thing that all of my organizational systems have in common is that they don't cost an arm and a leg and I usually try to upcycle something that I already have.  This one costs nothing, and definitely makes use of something that would end up being recycled anyways.

Now, you may wonder why I wanted to DIY no-slip hangers in the first place.  Let's take a look!

DIY No-Slip Hangers on Diane's Vintage Zest!  #free #organization #tip

You know when you try to hang a piece of clothing with small straps, and it starts to shimmy down the hanger?  Well, that happens to me all the time!  Since I have a small closet, I need to use skinny hangers for as many items as I can.  Of course, coats go on sturdy wood hangers, but this SoCal girl doesn't have that many anyways!

DIY No-Slip Hangers on Diane's Vintage Zest!  #free #organization #tip

So don't cringe... but instead of buying however many fancy, no-slip skinny hangers, I ended up using free wire hangers from the dry cleaners.  They are perfect for light blouses and summer sundresses, except for the tendency for spaghetti straps to slip off.

By the way, I actually did not have that many hangers on my own.  However, my parents had a huge stash of them, which they were happy to give to me!

DIY No-Slip Hangers on Diane's Vintage Zest!  #free #organization #tip

First up, the failed methods:  Rubber bands didn't work at all.  I had no pipe cleaners on hand, and I would have needed a lot.  Besides, I heard garments slip off when moving them in and out of the closet anyways.  The best solution I could find was this ugly, and only semi-reliable method below.

DIY No-Slip Hangers on Diane's Vintage Zest!  #free #organization #tip

That's right, I used Q-tips.  Ugly, time-consuming, and it actually didn't work that well.  *Sigh*

Fortunately, this new method came to me and it works so much better!  Not one slip yet!!!  Let's see how it works!

DIY No-Slip Hangers

What You Will Need
  • Wire hangers
  • Elbow grease


1.  Bend one side of the hanger upward about 2/3 of the way down, as shown below.

DIY No-Slip Hangers on Diane's Vintage Zest!  #free #organization #tip

2.  A couple inches below the first location, bend the hanger downward.

DIY No-Slip Hangers on Diane's Vintage Zest!  #free #organization #tip

3.  Repeat on the second side.

DIY No-Slip Hangers on Diane's Vintage Zest!  #free #organization #tip

4.  Hang your clothing and that's it!

DIY No-Slip Hangers on Diane's Vintage Zest!  #free #organization #tip

Yes, feel free to shake it around as much as you want, it won't budge!  It takes 10 to 15 seconds to "make" one hanger that will save you aggravation.  Seriously, it is an easy and free solution that actually looks pretty good in your closet, if you pay enough attention to make each hanger uniform.  Let me know how you like it!

Happy bending!

DIY No-Slip Hangers on Diane's Vintage Zest!  #free #organization #tip

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