Do Tell Tuesday #4! ~ Diane's Vintage Zest!

Do Tell Tuesday #4!

I am so excited that you can be here for our last party of 2013!  Click here for the full rundown on how to participate and...

Welcome to Do Tell Tuesday!

Numbers were understandably low due to the holidays, but there were still so many great posts to pick from!  Last week, I had lots of food features, and for some reason I was in the sewing mood this week.  :)  Each one of us hosts pick our own features but we all share the most viewed link too!  So, if you are all ready, here we go!

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Sally Dress Remix | Cuffed Sleeve Detail // SewsNBows

I love Amy's cuff detail and the cute buttons!  Remember, I have a button-hoarding problem...

Plaid Pajama Pant Wreath // I Got This Martha!

Like her post title says, Jeni is Mad About Plaid, and so am I!

Easy DIY Jewelry Roll // Haberdashery Fun

I made up the jewelry roll in this post without a pattern, and haven't felt like replicating it since.  It will be way easier to do it now!

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What My 7 yo is Sewing for Christmas Gifts // Gina's Craft Corner

Adorable!  I need to give my niece more sewing lessons so she can make up these dolls on her own!

Favorite DIYs of 2013 // Who Is That Girl Mo?

I love so many of these, and I want to incorporate leather into my plaid challenge!

Peppermint Essential Oil Jelly Air Fresheners // Plucky's Second Thought

Maybe I'm especially into peppermint after using all of these bath products every day, but I would love to have these around the house!  :)

And the most viewed link was...

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Tablescaping With Silver // An Extraordinary Day

Congrats on being featured and don't forget to pick up a button for your blog!  If you were not featured here, check out Lil' Mrs. ToriMabey She Made it, and A Sweet Fragrance for even more chances to be featured.  :)

Features will be pinned to our new Do Tell Tuesday Features Board, so be sure to follow!

Now, let's get ready to party!

Be sure to grab the party button below and put it somewhere on your blog, then read the rest of the rules below.  :)

Link your projects here! 

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.
