Refashioning the 1960s Challenge Roundup! ~ Diane's Vintage Zest!

Refashioning the 1960s Challenge Roundup!

Last week, I shared the blouse that I made for the Refashioning the 1960's Challenge.  If you're not familiar with our Facebook sewing group go to our Stitch Once, Rip Twice general information page to learn about us and join in on the fun!

Today, I'm sharing the projects that our members made for the challenge.  Since this was a "Choose Your Own Challenge," we have three different categories this time around.  That's Refashioning, The 1960's, and Refashioning + The 1960's.  All of the garments are completely different this time, from a couple of tops, a little girl's dress, and a bunch of beautiful dresses!

Let's see what our ladies from across the U.S., Canada, Australia, and Italy made this time!

First up are the Refashioning aficionados!

For those of you that did not catch my original post, here is the $1 button-down shirt that I refashioned into a feminine blouse.  Read all about it here and check out the surprise details on the back of the shirt and the sleeves!

Tiffany of Tiffany's Notions and Knits actually refashioned two pencil skirts for our last challenge, and here she was at it again!  This time, she refashioned this blouse for her sister's steampunk outfit.  Read all about it here and make sure to check out her posts on the beautiful corset and skirt that she also sewed for the costume!


Next are the 1960's challenge takers!

Amy from SewsNBows made an adorable little girl's dress complete with vintage 1960's buttons!  Besides more pictures of the pretty dress, you'll want to click here to check out all the funny pictures of a cute little girl covered in dirt!


Kristin from Sew Classic decided to copy a dress from the British television series The Hour set in the 1960s, with beautiful results!  She looks like she stepped right off the set, if you ask me.  :)  Click here to see the inspiration dress and more pictures of the stunning details!


Mary from Dim Sum Knitting picked the perfect 1960's mod fabric for the challenge, right?  The style is completely retro and modern at the same time!  Click here for more pictures and for a description about how she lined her dress.


Now for the projects from those overachievers who decided to go for both challenges in one!

MammaNene of Serger Pepper not only made a cute dress from an oversized shirt and pants, she has a tutorial to share with you!  I must say that this was a pretty dramatic refashioning.  Click here for the instructions and to see more pictures of her Mod Dress.

Serger Pepper

Nay from The Wardrobe Surgeon refashions every one of her sewing projects, so it's not even a question that she would do it for this one.  For this 1960s-inspired garment, she made a very ladylike, feminine dress from bedsheets!  Click here to see more pictures and check out her other refashioning projects.

The Wardrobe Surgeon

That's the end of another fun challenge!  This one was especially great with such a wide range of garments and styles!  I'm loving how a simple prompt can spark such different project ideas.  Once again, great job girls!


Right now, we are voting on our last challenge of the year, which I will probably announce some time next week.  I'm loving the top choices right now, so this will be another interesting one!

If you are interested in joining, click here for more details or e-mail me to request an invitation.  Until then, happy sewing!
