Tip: How to Hull Strawberries Without a Fancy Gadget ~ Diane's Vintage Zest!

Tip: How to Hull Strawberries Without a Fancy Gadget

Disclaimer: I don't claim to be a chef, a food expert, or have extraordinary knife skills.  That means everyone will be able to find this a helpful tip!

Tip: How to Hull Strawberries Without a Fancy Gadget on Diane's Vintage Zest!

When I first started to cook for myself after college, I loved buying and using every gadget that Bed, Bath, and Beyond had to offer.  However, when I was growing up, my mom always said "Real chefs don't use gadgets."  At first, I didn't understand what she was talking about, but then I was introduced to the wall of gadgets with an avocado slicer, the cherry pitter, and mango splitter.

Chances are if the name of the gadget contains a specific food, it's a unitasker that Alton Brown would abhor and can easily be thrown out with the proper use of a knife.  I have since made my mom proud and brought my kitchen items down to the basics.

Last week during Valentine's Day, there were tons of dishes using strawberries and one of my pet peeves surfaced everywhere.

Tip: How to Hull Strawberries Without a Fancy Gadget on Diane's Vintage Zest!

Do you notice the little piece of stem and a lot of the tart, white part (the hull) on the prepped strawberries?  No one wants to eat that!

Check out the picture of someone slicing through the strawberry to remove the stem.

Tip: How to Hull Strawberries Without a Fancy Gadget on Diane's Vintage Zest!

This person removed all of the stem, but a portion of delicious strawberry is removed as well!

Tip: How to Hull Strawberries Without a Fancy Gadget on Diane's Vintage Zest!

Here's a diagram so you understand what I'm saying.

Tip: How to Hull Strawberries Without a Fancy Gadget on Diane's Vintage Zest!
Credit: Foodie in Disguise

You can buy a strawberry huller of course, especially if you're making copious amounts of preserves or pies.

Tip: How to Hull Strawberries Without a Fancy Gadget on Diane's Vintage Zest!
Credit: here

However, most people will only eat a few strawberries at a time.  Also, gadgets take up precious drawer space and cost money!  Some people use a straw, but that only works on small strawberries, and it isn't very precise.

Here's how to hull a strawberry with a simple paring knife.

1) Insert the tip of your knife at the point where the red and white parts meet.

Tip: How to Hull Strawberries Without a Fancy Gadget on Diane's Vintage Zest!

2) Keeping the knife steady, turn the strawberry slowly in a circle.  Voila!

Tip: How to Hull Strawberries Without a Fancy Gadget on Diane's Vintage Zest!

Seriously, it's only two steps and worth knowing how to do.
Check out the lovely strawberries minus the tart hulls, and the green tops without any yummy strawberry goodness attached!

Tip: How to Hull Strawberries Without a Fancy Gadget on Diane's Vintage Zest!

Bon appetit!

What is your most & least favorite kitchen gadget?
