Saturday synopsis! ~ Diane's Vintage Zest!

Saturday synopsis!

I'm glad that I had a chance to share a few of my projects this weekend with my friends, both virtual and in real life.  Up for this weekend: a movie, archery (for the first time ever), a food swap, and maybe bringing out my sewing machine for the first time this year.  Yes!

Here are last week's posts if you missed any!

Saturday Synopsis!

Monday:  Two of my favorite soups with a few unexpected ingredients.

Tuesday:  Sewing rewind: holiday edition!  One dress was perfection, the other one, not so much.

Wednesday:  My adventures at Sew L.A. & the LAMILL roasting plant!

Thursday:  Millions of persimmons, persimmons for me.  Millions of persimmons, persimmons for free.  I hope someone else gets this, or I'll just feel old!

Friday: Sewing rewind: sewing basket edition!  Stocking my sewing basket with homemade tools.


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