Simply Brigadeiro feature & GIVEAWAY!

Simply Brigadeiro feature & GIVEAWAY! on Shop Small Saturday Showcase at Diane's Vintage Zest!  #dessert #gift #favors

On today's Shop Small Saturday Showcase, I have a gorgeously delicious shop to share with you today: Simply Brigadeiro!  I first met the fabulous Sabrina at Artisanal L.A. while she was passing around samples of her amazing brigadeiros.  I was hooked!  They are sweet, gorgeous, and the perfect gift for everyone!

I did my usual interview and took some photos, and awaited the "few" pictures she had of her own.  Well, I was absolutely floored by the creativity and gorgeous displays she created, so be prepared for the literal eye candy ahead!

Not only that, but Sabrina is offering a box of 24 assorted brigadeiros to one lucky winner!!!  Check it out below after the interview and beautiful photos.  Enjoy!

Simply Brigadeiro feature & GIVEAWAY! on Shop Small Saturday Showcase at Diane's Vintage Zest!  #dessert #gift #favors


Tell me a little bit about yourself!

Hello! I'm a Brazilian transplant from the Southern part of Brazil to Los Angeles since 1994. My family always cooked and baked. My passion comes from watching and helping both my grandmothers. They both taught me how to make a few delicious dishes and sweets. Sometime in 2006, I took a professional baking course at Epicurious and cooking classes here and there.

Simply Brigadeiro feature & GIVEAWAY! on Shop Small Saturday Showcase at Diane's Vintage Zest!  #dessert #gift #favors

Where did the name of your store come from?

The name behind it its purely from the product itself. I'm a gourmet brigadeiro boutique so Simply Brigadeiro was the right way to go with. Because that's all I do.

Simply Brigadeiro feature & GIVEAWAY! on Shop Small Saturday Showcase at Diane's Vintage Zest!  #dessert #gift #favors

Why did you start making goods for Simply Brigadeiro?

Leaving in Los Angeles for 19 years the craving was big for sweets, specially brigadeiro. I always made them at home, because you could get them anywhere. After my sons were born I begun making them for their birthday parties. Huge hit among friends it started snowballing. I love all the flavors! Every single one of them has a different unique texture and taste.

Simply Brigadeiro feature & GIVEAWAY! on Shop Small Saturday Showcase at Diane's Vintage Zest!  #dessert #gift #favors

What is your favorite item? What is your most popular item?

The Crunchies no doubt!

Simply Brigadeiro feature & GIVEAWAY! on Shop Small Saturday Showcase at Diane's Vintage Zest!  #dessert #gift #favors

Where do you get the inspiration for your work?

Inspiration is all around me. From my husband to my boys.

Simply Brigadeiro feature & GIVEAWAY! on Shop Small Saturday Showcase at Diane's Vintage Zest!  #dessert #gift #favors

What makes your store unique?

Brigadeiros are unique itself. Brazilian dessert with a LA twist. Double unique.

Simply Brigadeiro feature & GIVEAWAY! on Shop Small Saturday Showcase at Diane's Vintage Zest!  #dessert #gift #favors

Do you take custom orders?

I do take custom orders all the time. For all types of events.

Simply Brigadeiro feature & GIVEAWAY! on Shop Small Saturday Showcase at Diane's Vintage Zest!  #dessert #gift #favors

Where can I see more of your work and buy a gift?

Twitter:  @SimplyBrig
Instagram:  @simplybrigadeiro

Simply Brigadeiro feature & GIVEAWAY! on Shop Small Saturday Showcase at Diane's Vintage Zest!  #dessert #gift #favors

Anything else to add?

I'm so happy and grateful with everyone who has tasted the brigadeiros and always returns for more. People that has never heard about them before falls in love. That's a incredible feeling to feel.

Simply Brigadeiro feature & GIVEAWAY! on Shop Small Saturday Showcase at Diane's Vintage Zest!  #dessert #gift #favors


Good luck!

Simply Brigadeiro feature & GIVEAWAY! on Shop Small Saturday Showcase at Diane's Vintage Zest!  #dessert #gift #favors


  1. Would like to try these as I have never heard of them! The vanilla bean sounds yummy!

  2. I really miss Los Angeles!! (Lived in Southern California for 30 years) And these beautiful Brazilian sweets are making me miss it even more! Thanks for hosting the giveaway. :)

  3. I love citrus flavors so I think lemon would be my favorite

  4. I think my favorite would be the white chocolate!


I love to hear your comments! And putting in your two cents is always free. :)