How to: DIY a Dress Upcycled from Oversized T-shirts

Remember my DIY Shibori Dress post from waaay back when?  Well, I promised to share a tutorial on how I made the dress upcycled from two oversized T-shirts.  Here it is!

A few words: I made roughly a medium sized dress from two XL T-shirts, but the size will be adjusted to your size when you make your pattern.

Disclaimer: I'm not a sewing expert and it's been some time since I wrote a tutorial.  Please be nice!

How to: DIY a Dress Upcycled from Oversized T-shirts on Diane's Vintage Zest!  #sewing #tutorial

How to: DIY a Dress Upcycled from Oversized T-shirts

What You Will Need

  • Two oversized T-shirts  (the bigger, the better!)
  • Matching thread
  • Pattern (either an existing piece of clothing or a commercial sewing pattern)
  • Chalk
  • Scissors

How to: DIY a Dress Upcycled from Oversized T-shirts on Diane's Vintage Zest!  #sewing #tutorial


1.  You will use one of the shirts for the top of your dress.  Mark with chalk, using your pattern piece.  OR if you are using an existing garment, outline the top, making sure to add the seam allowance of your choice (1/4", 3/8", 1/2", etc.).

How to: DIY a Dress Upcycled from Oversized T-shirts on Diane's Vintage Zest!  #sewing #tutorial

Tip:  If the garment is made of a stretchier material than the T-shirt, add a bit more to the seam allowance because the finished garment might be too tight!

How to: DIY a Dress Upcycled from Oversized T-shirts on Diane's Vintage Zest!  #sewing #tutorial

2.  Cut along the marked lines.

How to: DIY a Dress Upcycled from Oversized T-shirts on Diane's Vintage Zest!  #sewing #tutorial

How to: DIY a Dress Upcycled from Oversized T-shirts on Diane's Vintage Zest!  #sewing #tutorial

3.  Turn the shirt inside out.

How to: DIY a Dress Upcycled from Oversized T-shirts on Diane's Vintage Zest!  #sewing #tutorial

4.  Pin and sew along the sides and shoulders (if you cut there).

How to: DIY a Dress Upcycled from Oversized T-shirts on Diane's Vintage Zest!  #sewing #tutorial

5.  Now for the skirt portion!  Once again, it's easier to err on the side of a larger size and then take it in for a smaller size.  Repeat the same procedure of marking and cutting.

Tip: You will definitely want to avoid the neck binding, so make sure to trace your pieces around it.  Also, I thought of it afterwards, but you can add pockets pretty easily!  Newbies can check out this tutorial.

How to: DIY a Dress Upcycled from Oversized T-shirts on Diane's Vintage Zest!  #sewing #tutorial

6.  Pin and sew along the side seams with right sides together.

How to: DIY a Dress Upcycled from Oversized T-shirts on Diane's Vintage Zest!  #sewing #tutorial

7.  Leaving the skirt wrong side out, shimmy the shirt (right-side out) so the two waist edges meet.  Pin and sew!  (For a clearer picture, scroll down in this post)

How to: DIY a Dress Upcycled from Oversized T-shirts on Diane's Vintage Zest!  #sewing #tutorial

8.  Turn right side out.  Hem the neck hole, arm holes, and hemline (if necessary).

How to: DIY a Dress Upcycled from Oversized T-shirts on Diane's Vintage Zest!  #sewing #tutorial

That's it!

Of course, I used two plain white T-shirts so I could tie-dye my dress.  However, you can make a dress out of any huge T-shirts you have laying around.  Concert tees, school T-shirts, and anything else you can think of!

Have fun sewing!

What kind of T-shirts are you going to turn into a dress?

How to: DIY a Dress Upcycled from Oversized T-shirts on Diane's Vintage Zest!  #sewing #tutorial