Tip: Easy Auto Refill Reminders for all your Prescriptions!

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One of my resolutions for 2014 is to make my life simpler!  Another of my resolutions is to keep healthy, especially with so many people in my family (including myself) working in the medical field.  Not only do I encourage others to keep healthy, I am a huge advocate of practicing what I preach!  However, I do know how difficult it can be to stay organized with many prescriptions to juggle, especially with multiple family members.  I had a hard enough time remembering which state I could fill my prescriptions in, when I lived in Nashville and would frequently visit my family in California.  It is a good thing that Walgreens are conveniently located all over the U.S.!  Here are a couple of tips and resources for keeping on top of your prescription and medication refills, so managing your health and life will be easier and quicker!

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First of all, I acknowledge that I am a huge technology junkie.  That means, if I can get work done on my computer quicker than in person or over the phone, I'm all for it!  On Walgreens' website, you can set up an Online Pharmacy Account and add some really awesome tools like Automatic Prescription Refills and Refill Reminder Emails or Texts!  Not only can you set up an account for yourself, but you can put your Family Prescriptions together in one place.  Super convenient, right?

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One thing that I think is pretty nifty is the Pharmacy Chat feature, just in case you have a specific question.  It is perfect if you are full of questions like I am!  Also, remember that you get free shipping on prescriptions, which is really nice!

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Now, what if you are away from a computer?  The Walgreens app is super simple to use!

I tried to refill my "Apple a Day" to keep the doctor away.  Hmmm....

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I also love this Pill Reminder feature.  So simple!  There are tons of other features as well, so go ahead and explore!

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#WalgreensRX to the rescue!

When I get to Walgreens in person, there are always helpful reminders all around, including tons of services, such as immunizations.

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Someone is always available to consult at the window!

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Do you need to chat with a pharmacist?

And picking up your prescription is always a breeze.

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I like to buy my vitamins as long as I'm here!

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Oh, and if I was really feeling sick, I could always go through the Drive Thru!

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I think the Walgreens website and app are fantastic for getting your health back on track for the new year!  We could all use a little simplifying, and these tools are perfect for streamlining your prescription needs.  I'm excited that it will be that much easier to stay on top of my resolution!

Good health to you!

1 comment:

  1. Like you, I love that even when I travel I'm able to refill prescriptions! This makes life so much easier! #client


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