*Update* Here is the link to my fave green smoothie recipe on this blog!
However, I stumbled upon a tip that I had to share with you about how to blend a smoothie without leafy bits!
By the way, this is the difference between the two blending methods. Pretty good, right? Okay, so here is the tip!
All you have to do is blend the leafy greens first with a little bit of water. You might have to jiggle it around a little or add some water until the first few leaves start to blend up into a pureé. Once it is liquified into a nice smooth green liquid, you are done!
Then, add the rest of your ingredients and blend like you normally would.
There! A perfectly blended green smoothie. :)
By the way, the tiny bits in the smoothie above are pieces of coconut and almond meal, but it is still pretty smooth. No chewing involved!
Happy blending!