Tip: Blend Green Smoothies without Green Leafy Bits (or an expensive blender!)

Ever since I started trying to eat healthy and promised to share my healthy recipes with you guys, I started making green smoothies!

*Update* Here is the link to my fave green smoothie recipe on this blog!

My sister likes juicing, but I prefer blending smoothies because they actually keep me full without a million trips to the restroom.  I mean, don't even get me started on the reasons why I prefer smoothies, but there was one instance in which juicing was better.  Whenever I made a smoothie with spinach, kale, or other leafy greens, I would always end chewing pieces of leaf while trying to drink my smoothie.  Ew!  I always assumed that because I don't have an expensive blender that I would have to avoid adding greens to my morning smoothie.  Boo!

However, I stumbled upon a tip that I had to share with you about how to blend a smoothie without leafy bits!

By the way, this is the difference between the two blending methods.  Pretty good, right?  Okay, so here is the tip!

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All you have to do is blend the leafy greens first with a little bit of water.  You might have to jiggle it around a little or add some water until the first few leaves start to blend up into a pureé.  Once it is liquified into a nice smooth green liquid, you are done!

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Then, add the rest of your ingredients and blend like you normally would.

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There!  A perfectly blended green smoothie.  :)

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By the way, the tiny bits in the smoothie above are pieces of coconut and almond meal, but it is still pretty smooth.  No chewing involved!

Happy blending!