Sewing Rewind: Sewing Basket edition!

When I start anything in life, I dive in head first.  My family lovingly calls me obsessive, and I wholeheartedly accept that label!  Then again, I think of it as being thorough, or detail oriented, or something a bit nicer sounding.  :)

Hence, when I started this whole sewing venture, I wanted to have a well-stocked sewing basket with all of the supplies I would ever need.  My mother bequeathed a lot of her items to me, which my late grandmother used when she sewed at our house.

However, when I showed up to my first class, I realized that there were other items that I wanted!  So, I asked myself, "How can I have all the things I want, without spending an arm and a leg?"  DIY of course!


In this post:

Pincushion Cuff

First on the list was a pincushion cuff.  I had the standard tomato & pepper pincushion, but I wanted to be able to wear it on my wrist just like my teacher.  I searched the internet and found a very cute tutorial from Michelle patterns here.

I used fabric that someone left at class for the flower, scrap fabric from my stash for the cuff, embroidery floss & a button from my mom's stash, extra stuffing from my stash, and a cottage cheese cover for the plastic inside.  All in all, $0 for this project!

Sewing Rewind: Sewing Basket edition! on Diane's Vintage Zest! #sewing #upcycle
Pincushion cuff in action!
Sewing Rewind: Sewing Basket edition! on Diane's Vintage Zest! #sewing #upcycle
Taking a rest on my machine.

Sewing machine quilt

I was an absolute mess during my first few sewing classes.  Supplies were strewn all over the place like something exploded in a craft store!  I decided to put a stop to it right away.

Pinterest to the rescue again, and I used this tutorial.  The fabric I used was the same as above, a set of curtains that someone left behind at class.  I just removed the interfacing and ironed out the pleats.  Voila!

Tailor's Ham & Seam Roll

The first dress I made had a princess seam, and it was SUCH a pain to iron the seams flat.  My friend told me that I should buy a tailor's ham, but once again the internet to the rescue!  I pinned a tutorial online and gathered my supplies.

I used a cotton muslin fabric, which was bought for an earlier project (but forgot to use) and cut apart a pair of wool pants bought from Goodwill outlet (probably <$1) and washed super hot.  As for the sawdust, I went to Home Depot and asked for a bag from the woodcutting station.  Super easy and cheap!

I love using my homemade sewing supplies, and when someone sees my pincushion cuff  in class, it's exciting to say that I made it!

Have a beautiful weekend everyone!